Disposing of household waste

Published: 09 March 2023

Everyone has a legal responsibility to take steps to ensure their waste is properly disposed of by an authorised person. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Section 34, a breach of the duty of care could lead to an unlimited fine in the Magistrates or Crown Court if convicted – this applies to regular household waste as well as to waste arising from any work being carried out to a property.

Most household rubbish can be disposed of via the regular kerbside collections, or by being taken to a Household Waste or Mini Recycling Centre.

West Berkshire Council also offers a bulky waste collection service, whereby items are booked to be picked up and removed; the cost for up to five items is £45.00.

Some charities, such as the Community Furniture Project and the British Heart Foundation, will collect household furniture and electrical items for reuse.

There are professional, licenced private waste companies which will collect and dispose of rubbish and waste. When using this service, it is important to make sure the person or company holds a valid waste carrier’s licence. The householder should also keep a record of who collected the waste, what they collected and when, and where it will be disposed of.

If fly-tipped waste is found to originate from a particular property, the homeowner will need to be able to give details of the person or company they gave it to for disposal. If they are not able to provide that information, they may be fined.

More information about types of rubbish and how to dispose of it may be found on West Berkshire Council's web site