New Leader, Executive and Chairman for 2024/25

Published: 22 May 2024

At West Berkshire Council's annual meeting on 9 May, Councillor Jeff Brooks was elected Leader of the Council and will be joined by nine other councillors on the Executive.

The Executive is the main decision-making body of the Council. It makes the key decisions - those that affect two or more wards or where decisions will have a significant impact on the Council's budget. Each member of the Executive has responsibility for a specific area (or portfolio) as outlined below.

The Executive Members for 2024/25 are as follows:

· Jeff Brooks - Leader of the Council - Strategy and Communications (Human Resources)

· Denise Gaines - Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Planning and Housing

· Iain Cottingham - Finance and Resources (Audit, Risk, Commissioning, Procurement)

· Louise Sturgess - Economic Development and Regeneration

· Patrick Clark - Adult Social Care & Public Health

· Heather Codling - Children and Family Services

· Nigel Foot - Culture, Leisure, Sport, and Countryside

· Stuart Gourley - Environment and Highways

· Vicky Poole - Transformation and Corporate Programme (ICT and Digital Services)

· Lee Dillon - Public Safety and Community Engagement

West Berkshire Council also has a new Chairman, Councillor Billy Drummond, for the coming year.

The Chairman is the formal representative of the Council and, as well as presiding over Council meetings, he also officiates at civic functions and welcomes distinguished visitors on behalf of the district.

Councillor Drummond replaces the outgoing Chairman, Councillor Jeremy Cottam. The new Chairman will be supported by Councillor Tony Vickers in the role of Vice Chairman.